

Boomer and Esther Puppies 2021

12 Puppies. Born live by C-Section 4/9/2021. We have 7 girls, 4 boys, and one angel.
All Puppies From This Litter Placed.

Sire: CH Ujamaa Boomerang Bakari (Frozen Semen)
Dam: Andyboy's Esther for Sundown
Click here to view full Pedigree of puppies.

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May 28. Puppies are 7 weeks and now 12.6 - 13.8 pounds. Still growing fast but large breed puppy slowed them down. Eyes are turning from blue to brown. Break away collars are now off in 5 minutes. We are trying Velcro collars but those are also coming off so we will put on new collars just before Tuesday vet trip and take them off after.

Climbing is a new skill. 2 of them climed out of the inside pen and shared their new plastic bag toy with the rest. We removed the wood railings and they started using the play pens (pictures included). Those are now also gone.

Digging also a new skill -- as is eating dirt...sigh. It's been hot so they dig for a cool place to lay (inside shed is air conditioned so do not feel sorry for them LOLOL). All in All doing well.







May 21. Puppies are 6 weeks and now 9.8 - 10.8 pounds. Big growth this week but should slow down a bit. Time to switch from Puppy to Large Breed Puppy Orijen. First puppy shots today. Parvo and Distemper only. Vet check Tuesday after 7 weeks, then second shot at puppy shot at 8 weeks and they are ready to go home.

Puppies playing a lot more. They found the side part of the pen and the grass. We are no longer able to sneak in the back gate since they catch us now (try walking with a herd of puppies under our feet :) Really getting cute.








May 14. Puppies are 5 weeks and now 6.8 - 7.8 pounds. Esther has stopped nursing and puppies are now on Orijen Puppy (soaked) with powdered goats milk on top. The pictures below I took over the last 2 days. Sun finally came out and the puppies are loving the outside. Mostly also pottying outside or on the grass potty inside. Getting that about 90% of the time now so it's a good start. They hear and see much better at this stage. Soon as we open the gate they are out the dog door. Playing more. The next 3 weeks they will learn to play and socialize with litter mates.







May 7. Puppies are 4 weeks and now 5.7-6 pounds. On Sunday we moved them to the Puppy Palace. More room and they can go in and out a dog door. We also added fake grass potty pads (puppies learn to potty by texture on their feet). We also have pee pads down but those will have to come up when they decide they are toys (around 4-5 weeks). Took a few days but now all of them can get in and out the dog door. By next week they will be running and jumping in and out:) I added a security camera picture of the pen outside so outside pictures make more sense.

Break-away collars on them so we can tell them apart. Black, Dk Blue, Dk Green and Gray, are boys the rest girls.






April 30. Puppies are 3 weeks and all around 4 pounds. Great news milk teeth are in!! We started puppies on puppy milk mush last 2 days. Some eating some wearing but they are getting it:) Puppies started escaping out the front of the whelping box (sky diving practice). Today they are trying to climb out of the tub we put them in to clean the box. We will be moving them this weekend to the puppy palace so they will have more room. Pictures below taken different days. They changed so much in just a week. Black birth hair falling out and will continue so mostly only black on their faces.




April 23. Puppies are 2 weeks old. All around 3 pounds. Pictures below taken throughout the week. Eyes started opening at 10 days. Esther tried to feed them one day sitting up. Did not go well:) Puppies are up on their feet now but its a very funny wabble. I included a piture of the changing bucket that we put them in to clean the box. They are filling that up fast :)



Picture on right below was taken just after puppies were born by C-Section. Picture on left at one week.


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